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Meet Ariel Friendly | Grace Notes Member Spotlight - Fall 2019 | Emory, VA

Ariel Friendly is a second-year transfer student at Emory & Henry, from Manassas, VA.

She is a Musical Theatre major. Broadway is a dream goal, but she does want to work as an actress, whether that be in New York or a local regional theatre. She also has an interest in film work, being in movies or television. Eventually, she wants to move to the education side of the field and teach middle school choir or theatre.

Ariel has been singing in choir since she was 10 years old. Her family is very musically inclined, so she grew up around music. She was a worship leader for her youth group for two years and apart of the praise team in her main church. She was in an a capella group at her high school for two years, so her love for a capella is inevitable.

Now, she is involved in the Emory & Henry Concert Choir and the Emory & Henry Theatre Department, in addition to Grace Notes.

In her free time, Ariel enjoys watching Netflix and Hulu while eating Chinese food, pizza, and lime-flavored hot Cheetos... in that order. She also enjoys long drives and listening to R&B, jazz, and classic rock.

Fun Fact: Her name actually comes from the Bible and means "Lion of God." She also prides herself in being able to thing of songs off the top of her head, based on just one word you give her... seriously give her a word.

Ariel would like to thank Grace Notes for accepting her craziness and letting her live her life aca-bopping. She loves all of these musicians and can't wait to perform with them again.

She will be singing Alto II with the Ensemble again.

Welcome back to Grace Notes, Ariel!

We'll be right Bach,

Grace Notes

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